Medusa and Myth Tarot

The Medusa and Myth Tarot was developed using a storytelling approach. Each card is associated with a story, character, or plot point from greek mythology. When deciphering meaning, the reader can rely on the stories for meaning rather than memorizing certain symbols or figures. The reader can also look to how the stories and characters intersect when using multiple cards in a reading. While the deck isn’t currently for sale, you can download it and print at home if you so choose. I hope to have printed copies available when I do my readings in the future.

The art in the Medusa and Myth deck comes from public domain and creative commons licensed images. This page contains the references for each image if you’d like to use them in your own work. This deck is licensed CC By SA 4.0 and can be downloaded here.

If you download the deck, please consider donating toward the cost of getting the cards formally printed.

“Daedalus and Icarus” illustration by A.G.L. Desnoyers, photograph by Wellcome Library is licensed under CC By 4.0 / Cropped from original 

“Circe offering the cup to Odysseus” by John William Waterhouse is in the public domain / Cropped from original 

“Priestess of Delphi” by John Collier, photograph by Art Gallery of South Australia  is in the public domain / Cropped from original 

“Fortuna-Isis restored as Faustina the Younger as Demeter” by Marie-Lan Nguyen is licensed under CC By 2.5 / Cropped from original 

“Zeus, god of the skies and master of Olympus” by Tangopaso is in the public domain / Cropped from original 

“Artemis” Art by Géza Maróti, photograph by Budapest Museum of Applied Arts is in the public domain / Cropped from original 

“The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche” Painting by Pompeo Batoni, photograph by anagoria is in the public domain / Cropped from original 

“Julian L’Estrange as Hermes” by Percy Anderson is in the public domain in the united states / Cropped from original 

“Goddess of justice” by Kiki1196 is in the public domain / Cropped from original 

“Parnassus” Painting by Andrea Mantegna, photograph by The Louvre is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original 

“The Three Fates by Paul Thumann” Painting by Paul Thumann, is in the public domain the United States / Cropped from original  

“Hercules and the Nemean Lion” by The Met – The Jack and Belle Linsky Collection is in the public domain / Cropped from original  

“Prometheus” by Jean Warin II is in the public domain / Cropped from original  

“Thanatos I” by J. Malczewski is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“The Return of Persephone” Painting by Frederic Leighton, photograph by The Bridgeman Art Library is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original 

“Bacchus on a Chariot” by Simon Troger is licensed CC0 

“Truva Atı – Trojan Horse” by Tevfik Teker is licensed CC By 3.0 / Cropped from original 

“L’Art et la Littérature” painting by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, photograph by Allart.buz is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

Medusa” painting by Alice Pike Barney, photograph by Smithsonian American Art Museum is licensed CC0 / Cropped from original

“Kersting – Apoll mit den Stunden” by Georg Friedrich Kersting is in the public domain / Cropped from original

“Aidoneus & Persephone” by Eduard Trewendt is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Coup de main de Mère Nature.Mother Nature gives a hand to earth…Mosaïcultures de Montréal 2013” by Richard Mc Neil is licensed CC By 3.0 / Cropped from original

“Duval La Naissance de Venus” by Eugène Emmanuel Amaury Duval is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

Hera (Museo Pio-Clementino)” by Giovanni Dall’Orto is in the public domain / Cropped from original

“as Daphne was, root-bound, that fled Apollo” by Arthur Rackham is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

Medea, con los hijos muertos, huye de Corinto en un carro tirado por dragones (Museo del Prado)” Painting by Germán Hernández Amores, photograph by Museo Nacional del Prado is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

Mnemosyne (color) Rossetti” Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, photograph by Rossetti Archive is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

Thetis Immerses Son Achilles in Water of River Styx by Antoine Borel” by Antoine Borel is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Gustave Doré Andromeda” painting by Gustave Doré, photograph by davidconnellan is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Aesculapius and Hygieia” illustration by Gustave Doré, photograph by Wellcome Images  is licensed CC By 4.0 / Cropped from original

The Graces Listening to Cupid’s Song” Sculpture by Bertel Thorvaldsen, photograph by tetraktys is licensed CC0 / Cropped from original

“Mars (Ares) and Venus (Aphrodite)”  sculpture by D. Marchetti, photograph by Wellcome Images is licensed CC By / Cropped from original

“The-Winged-Horse” by Mary Hamilton Frye is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Orpheus and Eurydice” illustration by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, photograph by Rossetti Archive is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Constantin Hansen – Apollon og Hermes” illustration by Constantin Hansen, photograph by SMK is licensed CC0 / Cropped from original

Midas” illustration by Walter Crane, photograph by Reusableart is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

The Education of Achilles by Auguste-Clément Chrétien” by Auguste-Clément Chrétien is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Hippomenes and Atalanta” painting by Nicolas Colombel, photograph by Liechtenstein Collection is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Orpheus and Eurydice” painting by Anselm Feuerbach, photograph by Belvedere is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Wonder Book-1-251” by Arthur Rackham is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Roman Sarcophagus” by David Stanley is licensed CC By 2.0 / Cropped from original

“Athena-teaches-weaving” by Peter von Cornelius is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Constantin Hansen Prometheus” by Constantin Hansen is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Ivan Akimov Saturn” by Ivan Akimov is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“The Fall of Icarus” Carving by Musée Antoine Vivenel, photograph by Wmpearl is in the public domain / Cropped from original

Departure of Ulysses from the Land of the Pheacians” painting by Claude Lorrain, photograph by Louvre Museum is in the public domain in the United States / Cropped from original

“Pallas Athena – Franz von Stuck (1898)” painting by Franz Stuck, photograph by Frye Art Museum is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

“Oedipus lost het raadsel op Titelpagina voor A. Kircher, Oedipus Aegyptiacus, Rome 1652-1654” by Rijksmuseum is licensed CC0/ Cropped from original

“Goddess of Victory, Dewey Monument, San Francisco” by Team at Studios is licensed CC By 2.0/ Cropped from original

“The Judgment of Paris by the Master of the Argonaut Panels”  Painting by Master of the Argonaut Panels, photograph by Fogg Museum is licensed CC0/ Cropped from original

“Andreas Nesselthaler – Pyramus and Thisbe, 1795” by Andreas Nesselthaler is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

“Johann Heinrich Füssli 016” by Henry Fuseli is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

“Often she would stand upon the walls of Troy” by Walter Crane is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

“Kauffmann, Angelica – Ariadne von Theseus verlassen – prior to 1782” painting by Angelica Kauffmann, photograph by Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister  is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Jupiter and Semele by Gustave Moreau” painting by Gustave Moreau, photograph by Fashionone is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

“She changed her into Spider” by Walter Crane is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Pandora” by Arthur Rackham is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Pictura loquens; sive, Heroicarum tabularum Hadriani Schoonebeeck, enarratio et explicatio” illustration by Ludolph Smids and Adriaan Schoonebeek, photograph by Internet Archive Book Images is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Telemachus and Mentor1” by Pablo E. Fabisch is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Consulting the Oracle – Tate Britain” Painting by John William Waterhouse, photograph by Art UK artwork ID is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Penelope Unraveling Her Web – 87.PA.49 – J. Paul Getty Museum” painting by Joseph Wright of Derby, photograph by J. Paul Getty Museum is in the public domain in the United States/ Cropped from original

Mathieu kessel, discobolo che lancia il disco, 02” by Sailko is licensed CC By 3.0/ Cropped from original

Heinrich Maria von Hess Appolon et les Muses” painting by Heinrich Maria von Hess, photograph by Pinakothek artwork ID is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

“Jason with the Golden Fleece – Thorvaldsens Museum – DSC08681” Sculpture by Bertel Thorvaldsen, photograph by Daderot is licensed CC0/ Cropped from original

Heracles slaying the Lernean Hydra” sculpture by J. M. Félix Magdalena, photograph by Jomafemag is licensed CC0/ Cropped from original

“The golden fleece and the heroes who lived before Achilles (1921) (14786798643)” by Willy Pogány is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

Walter Crane – Neptune’s Horses (1910)” Painting by Walter Crane, Photograph by The Bridgeman Art Library is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

“Illustration of Perseus Delivering Medusa’s Head” illustration by Walter Crane, Photograph by reusableart is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

Paul Émile Chabas – Les nymphes de danse” painting by Paul Émile Chabas, Photograph by Sotheby’s is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

Francesco Salviati – Time as Occasion (Kairos) – Google Art Project” painting by Francesco de’ Rossi, Photograph by Google Art Project is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

“Perseus Arming for his Quest” illustration by Walter Crane, Photograph by Reusableart is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

“Atlas pasa a Heracles la esfera celeste” sculpture by  J. M. Félix Magdalena, Photograph by Jomafemag is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

Hercules doodt de hydra van Lerna, RP-P-1888-A-13803” by Rijksmuseum is licensed CC0/ Cropped from original

“JohnWilliamWaterhouse-PenelopeandtheSuitors(1912)” painting by John William Waterhouse, photograph by Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

Hestia Giustiniani” by Museum of Classical Archaeology is in the public domain/ Cropped from original

Theseus, Thiseio – panoramio” by Nagaremono is licensed CC By 3.0/ Cropped from original